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Dear Friends,

Every year on June 5, the United Nations recognizes World Environment Day

This year, faced with ever growing threats from droughts, deforestation, climate change, and loss of biodiversity, the United Nations encourages all of us to step up to our responsibility to be part of the generation called to restore the Earth’s ecosystems.

To commemorate World Environment Day, and to be part of #Generation Restoration, you are invited to join Catholic Climate Covenant in a conversation with Gopal Patel and Amy Echeverria (two internationally recognized faith-based environmental leaders), on Wednesday, June 6 at 1 p.m. (ET). 

Our distinguished panelists will go on an inner and outer journey of exploring the theme of “Restoration.” In the context of UN processes on land restoration, biodiversity, climate change, and more, they will weave together a  holistic tapestry of spirituality and advocacy in action 

Wednesday, June 6th at 1 p.m. (ET)


This promises to be a unique opportunity to learn about eco-spirituality, interfaith efforts in restoring our common home, key opportunities for engagement, and empowering local communities for action and advocacy on critical global ecological issues. Save your seat for this important conversation!

The webinar will be recorded, and we will send a link to the recording to all who register.

If you have questions, please email Paz Artaza-Regan (paz@catholicclimatecovenant.org).


Catholic Climate Covenant


Learn more about the speakers:

Gopal Patel: 

For over 15 years, Gopal has spearheaded international multi-faith movements for environmental action and advocacy. He believes in harnessing the enduring wisdom of faith traditions to support innovative approaches to global problems and building resilience for social change work. He shares his experiences as a keynote speaker and presenter and convenes spaces for faith and secular groups to engage constructively on issues of common concern. 

He has held a number of leadership positions, including Co-Chair of the UN Multi-faith Advisory Council, Advisor for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, and Faith Advisor to WWF International. In 2024, he delivered a TED Mainstage talk: “The Unexpected Way Spirituality Connects to Climate Change.” He is also the lead-author of the World Economic Forum's Faith in Action Report. Learn more about Gopal: www.gopaldpatel.com

Amy W. Echeverria: 

As Columban International Coordinator for Justice, Peace, and Ecology with over 25 years of building and leading Catholic and Interfaith networks around the world, Amy has established herself as an international Catholic voice on Laudato Si' and care for creation. Amy's leadership roles include Vatican Ecology Taskforce Co-Coordinator, Co-Founder and Inaugural Board President of the Laudato Si' Movement, Guest Lecturer for the Joint Diploma in Integral Ecology of Pontifical Universities, and Co-Convenor of the International Coalition Faiths for Biodiversity. 

At the heart of Amy's spirituality is listening to the voice of the earth. She believes that if we can attune our hearts to the language of creation and of the Creator, we can begin a deep healing path as humans and as co-inhabitants with all life on this planet.  

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Catholic Climate Covenant
1400 Quincy St. NE Franciscan Monastery Attn: Catholic Climate Covenant
Washington, District of Columbia 20017

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